Sweden - worth defending

(05:03) 13.30-14.10 Sweden - worth defending

Swedish defense and security policy, as well as our ability to protect the state, society and the population, have for a long period been in focus for opinion and debate. 200 years of peace is a recurring theme in the discussion about Sweden's security and our long period of stability is continuously highlighted as fundamental to the common view of the meaning and need for security. However, a deteriorating security situation and a troubled environment in turbulent development have once again shifted focus to risks, vulnerabilities and highlighted the need for a developed and comprehensive defense of what is worth protecting. When the brochure If the Crisis or the War Will Come was distributed again, the population was again met with a message that the security and safety of society is a joint effort and that a troubled world may put our ability to the test. That security and our way of life is not a given.

Concepts such as the will to defend and popular support are highlighted as prerequisites for increased resilience to threats and insecurity, and in the long run, the responsibility for our common security and safety is shared between everyone in Swedish society.

Overall / main issues

- What role does / should the individual play in the creation of Swedish security?

- What does total defense, civil defense, crisis preparedness and military defense mean and what do we value as worthy of protection in today's society?

- How is the idea of ​​a joint responsibility for safety and security created, communicated and anchored?


Morgan Olofsson, Communications Director, MSB


Emelie Weski, Vice President of LSU

PJ Anders Linder, Editor-in-Chief, Axess

Amanda Wollstad, Editor-in-Chief, Svensk tidsskrift

“Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet”

“Mötesplats Samhällssäkerhet” is Sweden's largest meeting place for everyone who works in social security and has been arranged since 2011. We are now more relevant than ever and together with you and your colleagues we can be part of Sweden's most important meeting place. The meeting place is arranged by Easyfairs in collaboration with MSB - Swedish civil contingencies agency and SKR -Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions.

On March 23-24, 2021, the meeting place will for the first time be held as a completely digital conference and exhibition. We see this as an exciting opportunity to reach as many people as possible under the prevailing circumstances.

This year's themes

Ahead of the forthcoming Meeting Place Social Security, two main themes are presented:

Crisis preparedness and society's resilience: Here, the experiences of society's strengths and weaknesses in the management of Covid-19 will form the basis of a further discussion on how society's capacity can further increase to strengthen society's crisis preparedness and resilience.

Society in the gray zone and war: This track is based on the development of the total defense, with special focus on the civilian components.

Program managers are Henrik Karlsson and Victor Canvert.


Guest at the Society & Defence Podcast: The Role of Young People in Peace & Security