6. Checklist: Change the World, Shake It Off & Be Brave


In the 6th episode of the Change Rebels podcast we talk about climate activism and what climate has to do with peace and security.

Millions of young people has joined, what is know as, the Fridays for future protests. Together with the youth movement they have succeeded in bringing climate action to the top of the political agenda. Their front figure 16 year old Greta Thunberg has been compared to a modern day Joan of Arc. But as a climate activist and as a youth activist you should expected to receive threats and hate.

Even from the president of the United States.

In this episode we meet Aida Badeli, president of the Green Party Youth League in Sweden. We talk about the ways youth has contributed to climate action and brought green policy to the top of the political agenda globally. Aida gives useful advice on what it takes to change the world and cope with the challenges that comes with being an activist. And we discuss the future of green leadership. Who will be the next leader of the greens?


7. Burned By Fire, Born In War - UNICEF's Juliette Touma Speaks On Youth, Peace & Security In Syria


5. Youth Activist Yesterday, Minister of Foreign Affairs Today - Exclusive interview with Ann Linde