7. Burned By Fire, Born In War - UNICEF's Juliette Touma Speaks On Youth, Peace & Security In Syria

In the 7th episode of the Change Rebels podcast we get closer to the situation in Syria, as its entering its 10th year of war. What does the reality for children and youth look like here?

We take on some difficult questions: What does it means to take special consideration to age in humanitarian assistance programming What is happening to the IS-fighters and their children in the Al Hol camp? And, we find out if young peace builders in Syria should carry any hope?

We speak with peacebuilder and children’s rights activist Juliette Tuoma based in Amman, Jordan. Touma is the Regional Chief of Communications for the MENA region (the Middle East and North Africa Region) at the office of UNICEF, the United Nations Children Fund.

Read more:

  • Protect the rights of children of foreign fighters stranded in Syria and Iraq, Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore

  • Governments should repatriate foreign children stranded in Syria before it’s too late, Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore

  • UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore: Briefing to the Security Council on the situation for children in Syria 27th of feb, 2020


8. The Lazy Edition - What is Happening in Syria?


6. Checklist: Change the World, Shake It Off & Be Brave