9. The Controversial Guest at The Peace Table - Decolonize Youth4Peace

In the 9th episode of the Change Rebels podcast we find out what decolonising peace in Asia means and why it is especially important as the UN celebrates its 75th anniversary.

We speak to peace builder and activist Regine Borja Guevara.

Guevara deconstructs peace for us and put it into four dimensions: history, culture, global vs. regional and off course age. We find out why military tanks are driving on the streets in the Philippines since covid-19. How decolonisation of peace can help us understand freedom fighters and the fight for independence. And take a in depth look at the UN system and the challenges of peace programming together with ‘the locals’.

She describes herself as an Activist in style and a Young, Woman, Asian Philanthropist. She represents the South South Council for Sustainable Development - SSCC, is a UN Representative to the Committee for ASEAN Youth Cooperation and a Conflict and disaster expert at the Youth Advisory Board to the United Nations in the Philippines.

Also watch the live event “Youth4Peace in the Better Normal: Towards Local, Regional and decolonial approaches on youth, peace and security” organized by Regine Borja Guevara on International Peace Day on 21st of September.


10. Research Shows: Democracy Needs Youth


8. The Lazy Edition - What is Happening in Syria?