8. The Lazy Edition - What is Happening in Syria?

Whether you are a social media activist who rather do your activism from the sofa, or whether you simply have too much to do and too little time to do it: this is the episode for you!

We boil down the last three episodes into one so that even if you are feeling lazy or rushed you can still take a moment to find out what the fuck is happening in Syria.

This is the Lazy edition of the Change Rebels podcast. The podcast that brings you stories from the changemakers at the frontline of youth, peace and security. You will get 15 minutes’ summaries of this week’s three interviews.

First we discuss Swedish foreign policy and Swedish youth in Syria and refugees fleeing Syria. Our guest is a youth activist turned minister of foreign affairs: Ann Linde, the minister of foreign affairs in Sweden (for the full transcript translated into English click here, and to skip her Ann Lindes interview in Swedish skip ahead to 17:56). Then we meet with the president of the Youth League of the Green Party in Sweden, Aida Badeli. She is calling for a change of direction to green policy and amendments to the framework of the rights of asylum. Finally, Juliette Touma, the Regional Chief of Communications for the MENA-region at UNICEF speaks on the youth, peace and security situation in Syria, and the Al Hol camp that detains 65.000 IS-children.

What hope should young Syrian peace builders and refugees have after 10 years of violent war?


LSU, the national council of Swedish youth organisations, has had a sister relationship with RADA for many years. They are united in a global partnership, including eight countries. Together they are fighting shrinking space, building leadership capacity, and supporting one another financially and organically. Since the escalating events in Belarus we watch an emergency develop in Belarus. Our existing funds are not enough and cannot be used for this purpose - but now they are in urgent need of OUR SUPPORT.

If you would like to support RADA, you can swish to LSU's number, and mark your deposit with RADA. On all RADA-marked deposits, the money goes to them in full.

Swish: 123 690 58 48 (only for Swedish citizens)

Contact us at info@changerebels.org for bank transfers.

For more information go to LSU’s webpage.


9. The Controversial Guest at The Peace Table - Decolonize Youth4Peace


7. Burned By Fire, Born In War - UNICEF's Juliette Touma Speaks On Youth, Peace & Security In Syria